Biogas Plants is fast growing Market worldwide. High tech plants can be very profitable
through converging Nano- and Biotechnology for the gas cleaning process and use Enzymes which are the focal point of the biotechnological process to make profit.
Biogas power plants are a combination of anaerobic digestion systems with associated electricity generators such as gas turbines or gas engines. The electricity they produce is classified as renewable or green energy and if sold into the national grid attract subsidies.
In the last 20 years, biogas utilization been successful in wastewater treatment plants, industrial processing applications, landfill and the agricultural sector. The future increase use of biogas is a strong goal in most countries, not only because is it a renewable energy source but it will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution and soil degradation and last not least it will change agriculture sectors in many countries worldwide to produce partly energy.
The production of electricity is the main mode of biogas utilization in the future but the key factor for profit is the process optimization, gas cleaning and biotechnology.
There are 12 000 Plants higher than 100 KW worldwide in 2006 but 40 percent are not
profitable today, mainly because operation knowledge is poor. Up to 2030 there will be build more than 250 000 plants and the market will reach 43 billion US Dollar in 2030,
after a recent released study by helmut kaiser consultancy,
There is a substancial potenzial to increase yield and productivity of biogas production
with the optimization of the substrates and the use of enzymes which increase the
cost - benefit ratio from averige today 1 to 4 up to 1:8 and make a plant highly profitable. Offering the whole value chain is a vital factor for the companies to be competitive in the future.
Biogas is part of renewable energies (
The total energy mix of the future will be more regenerative and sustainable. The generation and storage of renewable energy will be the fastest growing sector in energy market for next 20 years. The market volume of renewable energy worldwide will increase from US$ 95.8 billion in 2007 to US$ 124.4 billion in 2010 and reach US$ 198.1 billion in 2015. These figures and developments are based on the whole value chain.