The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) approved standards for biodiesel blends on June 19. The changes will take effect within three to five months once the final standards are published.
Three provisions were approved. The conventional petrodiesel specification (ASTM D 975) can now contain up to 5% biodiesel. The updated standard means No. 2 diesel can now include B5 and still be considered the same fuel without labelling the blend.
The second change added a cold filtration test to the B100 specification (ASTM D 6751). The additional test should assure buyers that the B100 will not contain certain precipitates that can cause filter plugging in cold weather.
The third change created specifications for blends between B6 and B20 for on-and off-road diesel. The new specifications will allow the testing of a biodiesel blend against the ASTM numbers for physical verification of quality, rather than relying solely upon the paperwork.
The new ASTM standards will also provide original engine manufacturers (OEM) with specifications for engine testing, possibly resulting in OEM approval of higher blends. Nearly all major car manufacturers in the US accept the use of at least B5, while Cummins, New Holland and Caterpillar are already accepting B20 or higher, according to the National Biodiesel Board.
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