Researchers from the Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) and Byogy Renewables say that a new technology could turn everyday waste into petrol as early as 2010. The process makes converting biomass to high-octane petrol possible, and might be the only integrated system that converts biomass directly to petrol. Most other emerging processes convert the biomass into alcohol and then blend it with petrol. The system is relatively inexpensive and focuses on using biomass waste streams and non-food energy crops rather than food products such as corn. TEES says that the cost of such a conversion would probably be between $1.70 and $2.00 (€1.17 -1.38) per gallon excluding all subsidies and tax credits, with the cost depending on the type and cost of feedstock as well as the size of the biorefinery.'This technology is important because it addresses many issues: eliminating waste, producing economical fuel quickly and being friendly to our environment,' Kenneth Hall, associate director of TEES, comments. 'This technology is ready to be commercialized now and does not require any new scientific or technological breakthroughs to become a reality.'Byogy has licensed the process and hopes to have a plant using the technology up and running within 18 months to two years.
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